One of the most frustrating things about dash cams is trying to remove one from your car.
For example, I have a Viofo A120 Pro Duo 4k which comes with a GPS base. The GPS base comes with a strong adhesive pad that sticks to the windshield. It’s extremely hard to pull the GPS base off of your windshield once it’s in place even if you try to use a flat object to slide between the GPS mount and your windshield to pry it off.
To answer the question, yes, static film does work for dash cams and will support the weight of the dash cam hanging from your windshield. It’s an excellent way to attach your dash cam to your windshield that makes it extremely easy to remove your dash cam from your windshield for whatever reason.
The only caveat is you’ll need to make sure you get the correct type of static film otherwise your dash cam will just fall off your windshield while you’re driving down the road, trust me I know from experience.
Reasons to Use Static Film to Mount a Dash Cam
Obviously, if you install a dash cam you want it to stay on the windshield. You might be wondering why you would want to remove your dash cam and make it easier to do so. Here are the reasons I’ve come up with:
- You want to use a dash cam in a rental car. This is a big one for me. If you use static film, then you won’t have to spend 10 – 15 minutes at the gas station, or the rental car place, trying to pull it off the windshield before you turn in your rental car.
- You want to use a dash cam in someone else’s car your driving. For example, I installed a spare GPS base in my girlfriends car using static film. I can slide my dash cam off the mount in my car and put in her car. If she ever wants me to remove the GPS base/mount, then it’s as easy as pulling the static film off and not a 20-minute pulling/prying/wresting match with the sticky adhesive while she’s staring me down making sure I don’t break anything.
- You’re replacing the dash cam with a different one. If you want to upgrade your dash cam to the latest and greatest model, then it’s easy to remove your existing one.
- Static film makes it easy to position the dash cam while you’re installing it. If you happen to not like the placement, then it’s easy to pull it off and start over. With the regular adhesive, you’ll struggle to get it off and then you may or may not be able to reuse the adhesive.
- It’s reusable. I’ve successfully used the same piece of static film in a rental car and in my girlfriend’s car on multiple occasions. This can save you a bit of money by not having to buy as many adhesive pads. However, I still recommend you keep a few replacement adhesive pads and static film in your car in case you need to swap them out.
Picking the Right Static Film to Mount Your Dash Cam
This may seem pretty trivial, but it’s actually harder than you may think. For example, Viofo sells static film for some of their dash cams for a few dollars, but you’ll have to pay much more than that in shipping to actually get it.
If you’re not buying anything else from their website, then the amount you’re forced to pay in shipping just seems like a waste of money.
If you decide to look on Amazon, then you’ll see a bunch of static film being advertised for use with stickers. You’re left wondering if it will support the weight of a dash cam.
To make matters worse, there might be bad information in the questions and answers section saying it doesn’t work with dash cams when it actually does as in the case of the static film that I ended up purchasing and using with my dash cam.
Static Film that Worked for Me
Zebra static film, a little warped after storing in center console
The static film that worked for me ended up being one from the “Zebra” brand. Although it’s marketed as a “Windshield Sticker Applicator” and “Static Cling for Car Stickers” it keeps my dash cam attached to the windshield just fine.
Static Film that Failed Me
Sticker Shield! package. Not recommended for dash cams.
Before I purchased the “Zebra” brand, I tried the “Sticker Shield!” brand. It lasted long enough for me to get out of the rental car company’s parking garage before it peeled off the windshield.
I tried re-applying it, but it fell off a few seconds later. I would absolutely avoid the “Sticker Shield!” brand if you’re trying to use it to mount a dash cam.
The “Zebra” brand was stretchy and twisty while the “Sticker Shield!” brand was stiff. I think you’ll have better look sticking to the stretchy and twisty static films than the stiff ones.
What to Look for In Static Film When it Comes to Dash Cams
If you decide to try a brand other than the “Zebra” brand I mentioned above, then I recommend looking at the pictures to see if it’s flexible.
If there’s a picture showing them twisting the static film, then you’re probably good to use it to mount your dash cam. If it looks stiff, then I would avoid it.
How To Use Static Film to Mount a Dash Cam
It’s a pretty simple process to use static film to mount a dash cam:
- Cut the static film to size. If the static film is already at the size you want it, then you can ignore this step.
- Peel the static film from its paper backing and place it on your windshield. You’ll want to smooth it out to get the most grip, similar to how you might put a protective screen on a smart phone.
- Remove your dash cam/dash cam’s mount adhesive backing and stick it onto the static film that you attached to your windshield in the previous step. You’re still using the adhesive that came with your dash cam, or it’s mount, you’re just attaching it to the static film instead of your windshield.
One Disadvantage of Static Film
Viofo GPS mount attached to Zebra static film.
The only disadvantage I’ve encountered while using static film is that in specific instances it may peel off your windshield and leave your dash cam hanging (literally.)
For example, I had previously used it in a rental car and then I placed the static film with the GPS mount attached on the windshield of my girlfriend’s car without removing the GPS base first. A few hours later, the static film released from the windshield while we were stuck at a train crossing for 10 minutes.
I don’t think the area below the GPS base/mount had a firm grip on the windshield, so only the exposed part of the static film around the sides of the dash cam was holding it in place.
It was a simple fix. All I had to do was peel the static film off the GPS base, apply the static film to the windshield, smooth it out, and then press the sticky adhesive of the GPS base onto the static film like I did when I first mounted it.
I was a little concerned that pulling the static film off the GPS base might reduce the stickiness of the GPS base adhesive, but the static film does a good job of preserving the adhesive. I haven’t had any issues with the static film coming off the windshield or the GPS base coming off the static film since then.
Final Words
As you can see, not only can you use it for dash cams, but it’s actually my preferred method now. You just need to make sure you buy a static film from the manufacturer or try the Zebra static film that I had success with. If you decide to go with other static films, then I recommend looking for ones that have images of them twisting the film.
If you have any questions or comments leave them below. If you know of any other static film brands that work with dash cams, then please let me know as well.